minature toys, houses, capsulemachines, toys from capsule machines, humans [miniature humans = babies/children]
i have a newfound love for the cute
i saw a wii miniature keychain, i'll drop two bucks to that machine on saturday lol. its all for the love for wii. though i won't be playing it for a long time [and that the only thing i've played is rayman] if you buy a wii, bring it to school or just let me play it! hahahaa.
there's also a miniature capsule machine. i've got that one in hongkong, it really works like the real one. singapore's having it at twice the price lol zzz.
anyway, i had tuition just now, i was with marcus lee from css, hwee fang from my chinese tuition 3 years ago, sopisa from NAFA too. all in my replacement class. PLUS i had ms wong yay! so super qiao! :D after that saw mervin from normal class outside too, but i don't know why and i didnt' say hi hahaha.
choir was nice, well but i didn't attend rehearsals cause i had to leave early, i stayed in canteen till 5 hahahha! :D the piano part for hsm is so cool! :D
WE ALL DISLIKE VEGETABLES! hahaa, not REAL ones, hint hint, you'll get if if you're in AHS hahaha. SCHOOL WAS BORING TODAY. besides lessons lolll. craptalks D:
ignoring that,
since i'm in a SUPER HAPPY MOOD, i shall thank everyone for their gifts for christmas/other gifts!
LIMYING GAVE ME A NEWS CALENDER! [news as in the yamapi news] its from japan i think, omg THANKYOU LIMYINGGG i love you mannnnn! *hangs it up* wait, i'll go find a space to hang it up hahahha! :D
thankyou kaiying for the CUTEEE pen :D omg its pink all over @.@ but nevermind, its too cute for me to mind the hotpink hahahha i love it! ^^
thankyou annia for the SUPER CUTE wristrest/monitor cleaner/handphone holder! and the card too! :D
thankyou ashley [this is belated] for the super cute lollipop racoon! :D and the postcard and keychain! *waits for your kimchi* HAHAHA
thankyou isabel for the handphone pouch. its for choir gift exchange hAHAHAHA! :D
thankyou brenda and ashley tong for the christmas cards too! :DDD really surprised to receive them yay, sorry i couldn't write one cause i was overseas D:
thanks to my lovely cousins for their cute and random gifts tooo! and to my relatives who gave angbaos! yayyyyy!
THANKYOU JACQUELINE FOR TAKING CARE OF HAMICE! :D AND FOR THE BIG CAGE TOO! she loves it alot! ^^ thankyouthankyouthankyou!
Cutie: happy new year! (:
jesslin: the yellow words hurt my eyes

{LOLLLL go highlight it then @.@ hahaha}
ashley: resolution number 10 n 11 !!!!! HAHAHAHA esp 10 :X u can try to finish eating in half an hour instead of one! jiayou

{LOL i've learnt to be abit more decisive while buying sweets today! :D and i ate quickly too! ashley are you proud of me! haaha! :D}
Tracy: Hi Emm, how's first day? moine was beyong horrible.
Tracy: boyond*
Tracy: BEYOND** what's wrong with my fingers.
{hello pipi! first day was BORINGGGGG! my keyboard sucks haha, lets hope you'll have a better year ahead despite the not so nice start!}
baby: study HARder. of course. and get ur o level so that i'll see u here hehe
baby: and u look 10x more matured on cam now. woots
{HARHARHAR, you like to leave clues here and there aye. OMG ARE YOU ANON?! anw you won't be able to see me there cause its too far lolll. If i get good results i'll go vjc hahaha. and uhh, thanks that's a nice comment right lol}
isabel: tagged. o.0
isabel: by order of emma fung chun ling, i have officially tagged.
isabel: TAGGED!!!
isabel: and tagged!
isabel: the word tagged looks stupid all of a sudden
isabel: you know when you look at a word you dont usually look at all the time and you see it too often it suddenly looks stupid?
isabel: it's just not like me NOT to spam emma so i shall do it
isabel: i think she actually like people spamming her that's why she keep asking me to tag
isabel: she knows i'll freaking spam.
isabel: so i'll break record today with 11. okay emma?
isabel: oh! i passed midnight!
isabel: haha! no 13 not nice.
isabel: end with 14 better.
isabel: but you're 15 now, so it wouldnt hurt..
isabel: but im just talking to myself like on msn e=whaen you dont reply. since we're sec 4s now, 16.
{yes. i reply every single shit. i said tag not spam! you're the ONLY honourable one whom i bug to tag hahaha. o.O 16 spams...thanks ah. don't spam so mcuh la please! D: i like tags not spam! T.T watch alvin! :D}
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